The public's voice in policing

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Who we are
Find out more about the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners

What PCCs do
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The APCC is the membership body representing Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners (PFCCs) and Deputy Mayors in England and Wales. We influence policing and the criminal justice landscape nationally on behalf of members and help them to hold the police to account on performance, preventing crime and to support victims.
All PCCs, PFCCs, Deputy Mayors and Mayors with responsibility for policing and crime are members.

APCC Impact Report 2023-24
Read about the achievements of the APCC on behalf of its members in the Impact Report for 2023-24. It highlights the broad range of activities the organisation carries out to support PCCs, PFCCs, Deputy Mayors and their staff. These include producing 14 pieces of member guidance and toolkits, a social media campaign to raise public awareness of PCCs, training sessions, Parliamentary events and lobbying.
PCCs preventing crime
PCCs, PFCCs and Deputy Mayors play a crucial role in preventing crime, improving community safety and rehabilitating offenders across England and Wales. Our latest campaign highlights the unique role that PCCs and their equivalents play in facilitating programmes to address the root causes of criminal behaviour, as well as showing that PCCs can deliver more at a local level in supporting and leading existing prevention partnerships.