APCC Victims Lead responds to Government announcement on abolishing the pre-1979 ‘same-roof’ rule


Responding to the news that the Government is to lay legislation that will abolish the longstanding pre-1979 ‘same-roof’ rule, APCC Victims Lead, Dame Vera Baird said:

“Abolishing the pre-1979 ‘same roof’ rule is an important and welcome step forward in ref

orming the current Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme and will enable victims of non-recent abuse to claim compensation, even where they have been previously refused because of this rule or if they did not apply because they knew about it. Without this change the current scheme, as it stands, is unfit for purpose and has failed to compensate victims and survivors of some of the most serious sexual offences.

“We have welcomed the Government’s commitment to review the Scheme after we called for much-needed changes in 2017 and will continue to work with the Ministry of Justice to ensure that any reforms deliver for blameless victims.” 


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