About the APCC

APCC Strategic Plan 2022-2024

The APCC Strategic Plan 2022-24 was developed in close consultation with its membership and wider partners to ensure that it truly reflects the organisations key priorities. It sets out how the APCC will deliver for PCCs over the next two years.


The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) is a company limited by guarantee. Its is overseen and directed by an elected Chair and Board of Directors.

All Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners (PFCCs) are members of the APCC, alongside the following organisations: City of London Police Authority; the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime for the Greater London Authority; the Greater Manchester Combined Authority; the West Yorkshire Combined Authority; the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority; the South Yorkshire Combined Authority; Jersey Police Authority; British Transport Police Authority; Civil Nuclear Police Authority; the Ministry of Defence Police Committee and Police Scotland. 

The APCC offers the following services to members:

  • Provides Information on national policing policy issues and legislation.
  • Consults PCCs to enable them to develop policy positions and to influence change.
  • Facilitates the leadership of PCCs on national governance structures such as the College of Policing, National Crime Agency, other police professional bodies, and fire and rescue bodies.
  • Provides a range of opportunities for members to come together to debate and discuss national policing and criminal justice policy and engage with senior stakeholders.
  • Assists PCCs to share practice and identify ways to achieve efficiencies through collaboration.
  • Support PCCs seeking to take on and fulfil fire and rescue governance responsibilities.

How are our services provided?

Members are supported by a small team of policy, and communications and public affairs, professionals led by a Chief Executive. Since 2016, the APCC has adopted a portfolio approach in which members are given the responsibility to lead on policy development. The full list of portfolio areas, leads and deputy leads is available in the Our Work area of the website.

Board Members

Information about all of our current board members


Information about our office team

Meetings and events

A list of key meetings, briefings, and other events


Download our accounts and reports