The annual APCC Impact reports highlight the broad range of activities the organisation carries out to support PCCs, PFCCs, Deputy Mayors and their staff.

Impact report 2023-2024

Read about the achievements of the APCC on behalf of its members in the Impact report for 2023-24. These include producing 14 pieces of member guidance and toolkits, a social media campaign to raise public awareness of PCCs, training sessions, Parliamentary events and lobbying.

Impact report 2022-2023

Read about the achievements of the APCC on behalf of its members in the Impact report for 2022/23.

Impact report 2021-2022

Read about the achievements of the APCC on behalf of its members in the Impact report for 2021/22.

Impact report 2019-2020

Read about the achievements of the APCC on behalf of its members in the Impact report for 2019/20.

Impact report 2018-2019

Read about the achievements of the APCC on behalf of its members in the Impact report for 2018/19.