APCC chair statement following today’s No. 10 briefing

Following today’s Coronavirus briefing from No. 10 with the Home Secretary and NPCC Chair, APCC Chair Katy Bourne welcomed the commitment to publish the data collated from Police Forces relating to the enforcement of the social distancing rules.

“We need to be transparent with the public so they can see that the majority of people are adhering to the stay at home message and that it is only a handful of reckless individuals who are putting their own and others safety at risk.”

Mrs Bourne said: “Whilst it is encouraging to hear that overall recorded crime levels have dropped by more than 20%, the rise in calls to the national Domestic Abuse Helpline shows that lockdown is having the anticipated effect of exacerbating perpetrator behaviour.

“The extra resources announced today will be well deployed by our excellent PCC-commissioned victim support services who want to send a clear message that they, and the police, are still here to help.

 “I also wanted to echo the thanks expressed by the Home Secretary and NPCC for the continuing service of our police officers who are on the frontline everyday trying to maintain the critically important social distancing guidelines.”