APCC Joint Victims Leads comment on victims’ commissioner report

In response to publication of a report by the Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales on victims’ experiences of the criminal justice system, the APCC’s Joint Leads for Victims, Sophie Linden and Lisa Townsend, said: 

“The findings of this report are further evidence of the difficulties victims face. They show a concerning lack of trust and confidence in the police and criminal justice system in meeting the needs of victims. That disabled and younger victims are less likely to report crime is particularly disturbing.  

“Victims must be better supported by the police and criminal justice agencies, and more victim reported crimes should result in a conviction. With responsibility for ensuring police effectiveness and as the conveners of victims’ services at a local level, Police and Crime Commissioners are uniquely placed to enable the government’s vision to improve the experiences and outcomes for victims and victim reported crime.  

“We welcome the government’s commitment to prioritise victims in the criminal justice system and would urge that the funding needed to deliver this at a local level is made available.”     


  • Sophie Linden is London Deputy Mayor for Policing and APCC Joint Lead for Victims 
  • Lisa Townsend is Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey and APCC Joint Lead for Victims 
  • A copy of the Victims’ Commissioner’s report can be found here