At the beginning of 2024, the APCC ran a campaign highlighting five areas of work that demonstrated how PCCs were making a real difference:
As local commissioners of support services for victims of crime, Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) are working hard to deliver the professional and practical help victims need to cope and recover from these traumatising experiences. They are engaging directly with those with lived experience, and those that support them, to develop innovative approaches to victims’ support services that build confidence in policing and the justice system, and encourage future reporting.
PCCs are elected to act as the public’s voice in policing, and what they hear from their local communities is that neighbourhood crime and anti-social behaviour really matters. Tackling anti-social behaviour is a key priority highlighted in all police and crime plans in England and Wales. Following the government’s launch of the ASB Action Plan in March 2023, PCCs hit the ground running to deliver meaningful change from the funding provided, targeting enforcement activity to where it is needed most.
Every woman and girl has the right to feel safe and, as both citizens and community leaders, it is PCCs’ responsibility to help ensure they can live their lives freely and without fear. PCCs have been instrumental in delivering change, lobbying for tougher management for the most dangerous abusers, and introducing new protections for victims.
The best way to prevent crime is to stop it happening in the first place. PCCs have a vital leadership role in preventing crime and serious violence, identifying vulnerability in their communities, and targeting support to prevent crime from happening. They work with local partners in areas relating to vulnerability such as social care, mental health, drug and alcohol addiction, homelessness, and police custody. Funding from the Safer Streets initiative has enabled PCCs to use their local knowledge to direct investment to where it is most needed.
PCCs have brought increased transparency and direct democratic accountability to policing, providing the public with real say on how it is delivered in their local area. They are the voice of the people and hold Chief Constables to account for local policing on behalf of their communities. They are also responsible for ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of policing in their force areas.
Campaign videos
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Election results 2024
An asterisk denotes a new Commissioner or Mayor.
Avon and Somerset – Clare Moody (Labour)*
Bedfordshire – John Tizard (Labour)*
Cambridgeshire – Darryl Preston (Conservative)
Cheshire – Dan Price (Labour)*
Cleveland – Matthew Storey (Labour)*
Derbyshire – Nicolle Ndiweni (Labour)*
Devon and Cornwall – Alison Hernandez (Conservative)
Dorset – David Sidwick (Conservative)
Durham – Joy Allen (Labour)
Dyfed-Powys – Dafydd Llywelyn (Plaid-Cymru)
Gloucestershire – Chris Nelson (Conservative)
Gwent – Jane Mudd (Labour)*
Hampshire – Donna Jones (Conservative)
Hertfordshire – Jonathan Ash-Edwards (Conservative)*
Humberside – Jonathan Evison (Conservative)
Kent – Matthew Scott (Conservative)
Lancashire – Clive Grunshaw (Labour)*
Leicestershire – Rupert Matthews (Conservative)
Lincolnshire – Marc Jones (Conservative)
Merseyside – Emily Spurrell (Labour)
Norfolk – Sarah Taylor (Labour)*
North Wales – Andy Dunbobbin (Labour)
Northumbria – Susan Dungworth (Labour)*
Nottinghamshire – Gary Godden (Labour)*
South Wales – Emma Wools (Labour)*
Suffolk – Tim Passmore (Conservative)
Surrey – Lisa Townsend (Conservative)
Sussex – Katy Bourne (Conservative)
Thames Valley – Matthew Barber (Conservative)
Warwickshire – Philip Seccombe (Conservative)
West Mercia – John Campion (Conservative)
West Midlands – Simon Foster (Labour)
Wiltshire – Philip Wilkinson (Conservative)
An asterisk denotes a new Commissioner or Mayor.
Essex – Roger Hirst (Conservative)
Northamptonshire – Danielle Stone (Labour)*
Cumbria – David Allen (Labour)*
Staffordshire – Ben Adams (Conservative)
An asterisk denotes a new Commissioner or Mayor.
Greater Manchester – Andy Burnham (Labour)
London – Sadiq Khan (Labour)
West Yorkshire – Tracy Brabin (Labour)
York & North Yorkshire – David Skaith (Labour)*
South Yorkshire – Oliver Coppard (Labour)*