Domestic abuse support – APCC Victims Lead response

In response to the Government announcement today of a £2m support fund for victims of domestic abuse and the launch of a national campaign, APCC Victims leads Deputy Mayor Sophie Linden and PFCC Julia Mulligan said:

“Police and Crime Commissioners welcome the £2m fund announced by the Government today to support victims of domestic abuse during this time of national crisis. Unfortunately countries ahead of us in the pandemic have recorded significant increases in this crime, which concerns us greatly. It is a fact that during this period of lock down, many victims will be shut up at home with their perpetrators. It is critical therefore to make it clear that regardless of the restrictions in place, the police and support services remain open and available. 

“We therefore welcome the launch of the national #YouAreNotAlone public awareness campaign and the message that everyone needs to play their part in looking out for vulnerable members of our communities, in particular abuse victims who need our help and support during this incredibly difficult time. 

“This is an important step forward, but more is needed. As local commissioners of support services for victims, PCCs are already working hard to increase funding and support to Domestic Abuse victims at a local level. However, this new funding does not help local service providers, many of whom are charities facing real challenges. What’s more, around the country many refuges are already full. We are therefore asking all government departments to come together with PCCs, local authorities and victim services to establish a national working group that can lead this work, increasing the funding to support services and maintaining the momentum in tackling this critical issue”.