APCC Response to ONS figures on deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales in 2016


In response to the Statistical Bulletin published today by the Office for National Statistics on deaths in 2016 related to drug poisoning in England and Wales, Hardyal Dhindsa, the APCC Portfolio Lead on Alcohol & Substance Misuse and Police & Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire said: 

“As the APCC Lead on Alcohol and Substance Misuse, I am deeply disappointed by the continued high rates of deaths from drug misuse in England and Wales.

“If anything were to underline the need for cross-government action to tackle the ever-present threat and harm posed by illicit drug use, then this is it. Indeed, reversing these trends will be a critical test for the Government’s new Drug Strategy Board, the launch of which I welcomed last month.

As I emphasised then, the effectiveness of this strategy will rely on the Board ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are aligned and engaged. PCCs have an important role to play, both locally and nationally, by working with partners in the public sector and our communities to help people overcome substance dependency, and ultimately drive a reduction in the terrible loss of life caused by drug misuse. But collectively we need to do more.”


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