PCC elections bring increased diversity in policing governance in England and Wales


The 2024 intake of those elected to hold policing publicly accountable in England and Wales is the most diverse since the role of Police and Crime Commissioner was created. Following last week’s elections, of the 37 Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners (PFCCs), 13 are women – including the two first black women to be voted into office.

Labour gained 11 PCCs along with all five mayoral posts that have responsibility for policing in their areas, giving them oversight of 22 of the 42 England and Wales police force areas. Conservative PCCs were elected in 19 areas, and Plaid Cymru retained control in Dyfed-Powys. In all, 16 police forces will be overseen by newly elected PCCs or their mayoral equivalents. In areas where the mayor is responsible for police governance, they may appoint a deputy mayor to carry out this role.

The North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s role and responsibilities have transferred to the newly created York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Mayor, and the functions of the South Yorkshire PCC have moved to the new mayor of South Yorkshire.

The 13 women who now hold PCC/PFCC roles – an increase of one on the 2021 cohort - include nine of Labour’s 17 Commissioners. Emma Wools, elected in South Wales, is both the first woman to be elected in Wales to the post of PCC and the first black woman ever to hold the office across England and Wales. Her election was followed swiftly by that of another black woman, Nicolle Ndiweni, elected as PCC for Derbyshire.

PCCs Katy Bourne (Sussex) and Tim Passmore (Suffolk), become the first to be elected for a fourth consecutive term. Both have been in post since the first PCC elections in 2012. Clive Grunshaw returns as PCC for Lancashire, a role he held previously between 2012 and 2021. 

The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) welcomes all its new and returning members at the start of their four-year term. As policing seeks to rebuild public trust and improve outcomes for victims of crime, the job of a PCC as the voice of the people and holding their police force to account has never been more important. The APCC looks forward to working with them on tackling the issues that matter most to people: serious violence, improving community policing, tackling antisocial behaviour, and having trust and confidence in policing.


Notes to editors

A complete list of the newly elected PCCs, PFCCs and mayors with responsibility for policing can be found on the APCC website.

Under the terms of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, PCCs are committed to:

  • securing efficient and effective policing for their area.
  • appointing the Chief Constable, holding them to account for running the force and, if necessary, dismiss them.
  • setting the police and crime objectives for their area through a police and crime plan;
  • setting the force budget and determining the precept;
  • contributing to the national and international policing capabilities set out by the Home Secretary; and
  • bringing together community safety and criminal justice partners, to make sure local priorities are joined up.

Further information on the roles and responsibilities of PCCs can be found on this page of the APCC website.

All PCCs and PFCCs are members of the APCC, alongside the following organisations:

  • City of London Police Authority
  • the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime for the Greater London Authority (MOPAC)
  • the Greater Manchester Combined Authority
  • the West Yorkshire Combined Authority
  • the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
  • the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority

The following organisations hold APCC Associate Member status:

  • British Transport Police Authority
  • Civil Nuclear Police Authority
  • the Ministry of Defence Police Committee
  • Scottish Police Authority
  • Jersey Police Authority


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