Guide to taking a public health approach for PCC and their offices
A Guide to Taking a Public Health Approach for Police & Crime Commissioners and their Offices
This guide, jointly developed with support from the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities, is for Police and Crime Commissioners and their offices. It highlights the public health approach in policing and how it offers a proactive preventative approach to tackle the causes of crime as opposed to reacting once a crime has been committed.
The guidance also demonstrates how PCCs can support public health approaches locally by utilising their statutory functions, such as:
- Developing local partnerships and provide leadership to influence partners to work together to improve and strengthen communities.
- Setting priorities in local Police and Crime Plans to provide local communities a voice.
- Commissioning services to offer a range of services which reduce crime and provide early intervention and diversionary activities.
- Holding forces to account to ensure preventive approaches are embedded in local force areas.
To support PCCs, this guidance also offers a range of useful information and case studies, as well as signposting readers to useful resources showcasing evidence-based practices.