Findings report: Deep dive on combating drugs partnerships

Experiences of Police and Crime Commissioners and police representatives on delivering the National Drugs Strategy.

A review of the experiences of Police and Crime Commissioners and police representatives in England and Wales on delivering the National Drugs Strategy via Combating Drugs Partnerships

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This deep dive review seeks to capture the views and experiences of PCCs and policing partners who are the Senior Responsible Owners of Combating Drugs Partnership (CDPs) and their equivalent in Wales, or who are involved in the work of their local Area Planning Boards, with the aim of shedding light on achievements so far, in addition to exposing challenges faced by local delivery partners. 

This report seeks to inform the APCC drugs leads, the Joint Combating Drugs Unit (JCDU), and the Inter-Ministerial Forum, on the role and experiences of PCCs and policing partners involved in their local CDPs, with the aim of supporting the wider delivery of the 10-year drugs strategy. It does this by providing an overview of common themes and trends identified in the experiences reported by PCCs and police officers, through the use of case examples and by including ‘key questions’ that the APCC believes should be further explored moving forward. 

Key findings 

  • Representation and involvement: Overall, PCCs and police partners report that they are effectively represented at CDP level. PCCs in Wales also reported a good level of representation in local Area Planning Boards (CDP equivalent).
  • Value and influence: There was consensus on the value that PCCs and police representatives bring to their local CDPs. This can be through PCCs having key statutory powers and responsibilities – e.g., holding the police to account; convening partners; commissioning services etc, amongst other attributes.  
  • Strategy and delivery: The majority of PCCs and police representatives reported that Police and Crime Plans inform the work of CDPs to some level.  
  • The activities of CDPs were also noted to be shaped and influenced by a number of other existing key police strategies and profiles – (e.g., for areas covering knife crime, gang violence, Serious Organised Crime etc).