Infographic: Tackling violence against women and girls

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To support the launch of the 2022-23 VAWG Action plan, the APCC published an interactive PDF to demonstrate how PCCs are prioritising work locally to tackle violence against women and girls. 


This infographic highlights the extensive work being led by Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) across the UK to tackle violence against women and girls (VAWG). It showcases how PCCs are adopting a public health approach, working with multi-agency partners to prevent abuse, support victims, and hold perpetrators accountable.

Key areas of focus

Commissioning services of excellence
PCCs are funding victim support services, including trauma-informed care, domestic abuse response programs, and helplines. These services ensure victims’ voices are heard and their needs are met effectively.

Establishing taskforces
Local PCC-led multi-agency task groups ensure that the needs of women and girls are central to strategic responses. These groups bring together law enforcement, community organisations, and health services to create comprehensive action plans.

Prioritising through police and crime plans
PCCs are embedding VAWG prevention within their police and crime plans, using these frameworks to hold chief constables accountable for delivering meaningful outcomes.

Innovative perpetrator programs
Several regions are running campaigns aimed at changing abusive behaviour among perpetrators. Initiatives like the DRIVE programme and local campaigns such as “You’re Right, That’s Wrong” in Leicestershire are leading the way.