National Digital Policing Strategy 2020-2030

The National Digital Policing Strategy 2020-2030 has been launched at the Police ICT Summit 2020.

The Strategy sets out a new digital ambition for UK policing. It presents a set of tangible digital priorities and outlines the key data and technology building blocks required to deliver them.

In doing so, the Strategy builds on the Policing Vision 2025 and other relevant cross-government strategies that support policing’s core mission to make communities safer.

Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner and APCC Chair Katy Bourne OBE said:

“The Strategy has been developed by the service in response to the digital challenges we face, but ultimately for the benefit of the public we serve. It presents five key digital ambitions: seamless citizen experience; addressing harm; enabling officers and staff; embedding a whole public system approach; and empowering the private sector.

“If we are to achieve these goals, we must improve the way we use data and technology and, importantly, the development of the people who lead, manage and use digital capabilities.”

Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner & Police ICT Company Board Chair Stephen Mold said:

“Policing in the UK remains world leading and sets the standard for law enforcement agencies across the globe, however we are also at a critical juncture. We either improve how we harness digital opportunities from existing and emerging technologies, or risk becoming overwhelmed by the demand they create and lose the chance to enhance and modernise our policing services.

“We must develop digital capabilities to address the challenge and complexity of modern day crime, and this Strategy is the blueprint for how we can work together to exploit new technologies.

“It’s by working together that we will be able to overcome the challenges associated with modernisation and make effective use of the technological opportunities available to us.”

You can view and/or download the Strategy on the Police Digital Service website