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The Policing and Fire Act 2017 includes several reforms of both policing and the governance of Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) and PCCs can now, at the discretion of the local Fire and Rescue Authority (FRA) chair, become involved in the FRA. They can also submit a business case to the Home Secretary to formally take on governance of the FRS, and become a Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC).
Alongside their normal policing responsibilities, PFCCs are responsible for the delivery of an efficient and effective FRS, appointing a chief fire officer and holding them to account for delivery of objectives and the service. PFCCs set the budget for policing and fire and rescue, and develop a Fire and Rescue Plan to set the objectives for the service.
In regions that have a combined authority mayoral model, the Deputy Mayor for policing may also hold responsibility for the FRS, acting as a PFCC.
Supporting effective collaborative working
The APCC works with other blue light emergency services, including the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS), the Home Office and the Fire Standards Board (FSB), to provide efficient and effective responses to incidents. We support PFCCs and Deputy Mayors, in England only, who have both policing and fire responsibilities.
The APCC’s role is to:
- Support PFCCs/Deputy Mayors with fire governance in delivering their statutory duties on fire governance
- Promote collaboration between emergency services across all police force areas
- Promote the PFCC model of fire governance amongst PCCs, and support any regions planning to take on fire governance
- Ensure the views and priorities of PFCCs are represented at a national level
- Work with key stakeholders to set national fire standards and lead the fire sector
Portfolio leads
Joint lead
Ben Addams
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire
Joint lead
Danielle Stone
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Durham
APCC contact
Eddie Smithwick
Policy Manager