Communities want to see officers on their streets preventing and robustly tackling the anti-social behaviour, street theft and shoplifting that devastate neighbourhoods and make residents feel unsafe.  

Our primary mission in this area is to gain greater recognition of the role of neighbourhood and local policing in preventing and tackling crime, as this is key to improving community trust and confidence in policing.

Supporting communities by supporting our members

The APCC’s main areas of focus are:

  • Anti-social behaviour (ASB) – raising awareness of, and delivering, the ASB Case Review Process, advocating for victims of ASB and delivering  ASB hotspot policing 
  • Neighbourhood policing  – supporting the delivery of the government’s Neighbourhood Policing Guarantee and 13,000 new neighbourhood officers. Ensuring that neighbourhood officers are empowered to engage meaningfully with communities and have the tools and partnerships needed to address community-based crimes 
  • Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) – supporting PCCs to engage with their local CSPs, identifying ways to address challenges to partnership working and promoting examples of best practice
  • Contact management – supporting PCCs in their role in the accountability and governance of contact management systems such as 101, 999 and online platforms, and promoting local innovation in community engagement and contact
Female police officer with two children at a community event

Portfolio leads

Joint lead

Matt Storey

Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland

Joint lead

Chris Nelson

Police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire

APCC contact

Libby Avery

Policy Manager