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IN FOCUS: Tackling Business and Retail Crime
PCCs are working with businesses, law enforcement, and local communities to combat shoplifting, abuse against shop workers, and organized retail crime. The document showcases national and local initiatives, including technology-driven policing, forensic crime prevention, intelligence-sharing partnerships, and victim support services, aimed at making retail spaces safer.
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Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and deputy mayors are uniquely placed to drive the efforts to tackle business and retail crime successfully in their areas. They can convene both the public and private sector partners to identify and respond to the specific challenges impacting the reporting, prevention and investigation of these crimes.
The APCC Business and Retail Crime portfolio is led by joint leads, Katy Bourne OBE, the PCC for Sussex and Andy Dunbobbin, the PCC for North Wales. We work at both a local and national level to champion the role and voice of PCCs and support them in their work to deliver on business and retail crime priorities.
In 2023, APCC Business and Retail Crime Lead PCC Katy Bourne was approached by some of the country’s biggest national retailers regarding their concerns about the impact of organised retail crime gangs in England and Wales. After convening policing, private sector and government partners, 14 of the country’s top retailers agreed to pay for a team of officers and analysts to work in an existing policing structure called Opal (the national team that oversees serious and organised acquisitive crime). The team have built, for the first time, a comprehensive intelligence picture of organised crime gangs that fuel many shoplifting incidents across the country and are helping forces to dismantle them.
Pegasus has seen the following results from the Opal Organised Retail Crime team (operational since May 2024):
- 108 arrests from 31 different organised crime groups responsible for £5.2m of loss
- 268 offenders identified who were previously unknown
- 93 vehicles identified linked to shop theft offending
- 194 collaborations and coordinations – bringing together police forces and retailers in a joint approach to disrupt an organised crime group
- 32 court outcomes related to shop theft offenders
- 8 offenders deported
Date updated as of March 2025.
The portfolio works to influence policy, legislation and practice where change is needed. We ensure the voice of PCCs is heard nationally and their experience reflected within strategic conversations with government, including at the National Retail Crime Forum chaired by the policing minister which the APCC is represented on by the joint leads. The portfolio recently welcomed the proposed introduction of a standalone offence for assaulting a retail worker, a position we have long been advocating for as no one should go to work in fear of being abused or assaulted.
The APCC works closely with key stakeholders, including policing partners, and the private sector as effective collaboration is key to tackling this issue. We also work to empower PCCs to improve their relationship with their local business community.
A cohesive partnership approach to this issue can:
- Examine local and national barriers to reporting crime to the police
- Improve intelligence sharing to support focus on prolific offenders
- Identify an increased range of disposal outcomes and opportunities for diversion
Knowledge sharing and guidance
We work to support PCCs to tackle business and retail crime in their local areas by sharing notable practice and horizon scanning for evidence-based practice of interest. We share best practice via our quarterly APCC Business and Retail Crime Portfolio Group.
We also develop tools to aid PCCs in their scrutiny of their force’s work to respond to and prevent business and retail crime as well as briefings on upcoming legislation and reports to ensure our members are kept information of the national work in this area.
Portfolio leads
Joint lead:
Katy Bourne OBE
Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex
Joint lead:
Andy Dunbobbin
Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales
APCC contact:
Libby Avery
Policy Manager