Serious violence has a devastating impact on victims, families and communities. Preventing and reducing serious violence is a key priority for PCCs and the APCC is uniquely placed to drive collaboration between key partners to secure sustainable and intergenerational solutions to violence in our communities. 

Our key areas of focus are:

Violence Reduction Units (VRUs) – since 2019, PCCs have been leading on the development and implementation of VRUs in 20 areas across the country. These units enable multi-agency working to tackle the root causes of violence and embed a culture of prevention, early intervention, and diversion. 

VRUs are having a significant impact in their areas, but need sustainable funding to ensure that  they can implement long-term, preventative solutions, which are often multi-faceted and deeply entrenched in communities. 

Serious Violence Duty (SVD) SVD stipulates that specific authorities have a duty to collaborate to prevent, tackle and reduce serious violence. PCCs have taken on the non-statutory role of lead convenor under the SVD, which places them at the heart of the implementation of local strategy in this joined-up approach.

Commissioning interventions  – commissioning interventions that prevent and reduce serious violence is a key priority for our members and interventions that prevent and reduce serious violence are a key priority for our members who look to innovative, evidence-based approaches to tackling violence. Examples of these interventions can be found in our recent Serious Violence In Focus report. 

Portfolio leads

Joint lead

Matthew Barber

Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley

Joint lead

Simon Foster

Police and Crime Commissioner for West Midlands

APCC contact

Libby Avery

Policy Manager