PCCs have extended commissioning capabilities, that include commissioning services for victims and working with local partners, to commission reducing reoffending services, youth diversion schemes and drugs and alcohol services. PCCs commission work across a number of areas including:
- Guidance and practice sharing – delivering guidance in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and delivering training through Blue Light Commercial and practice sharing events
- Funding – directly engaging with the Ministry of Justice and the Home Office on the spending review and wider funding opportunities
- Evaluation and research – undertaking deep dives into specific areas around commissioned services to increase our understanding of key issues
- Policy and legislation – engaging with new and emerging policy, and on the implementation of legislation, such as the Victims and Prisoners Act. We are responsible for responding to complaints on behalf of our members
The APCC shares research findings and information on commissioned schemes and services with PCCs and their offices, through briefings, guidance documents, toolkits, factsheets, workshops and monthly Victims’ Working Group meetings.
Portfolio leads
Joint lead:
Clare Moody
Police and Crime Commissioner for Somerset
Joint lead:
Lisa Townsend
Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey
APCC contact:
Ella Thomas
Policy Manager