Guidance, toolkits and notable practice
Here you will find some of the latest guidance and toolkits for PCCs and their offices. There are more guidance documents in the members area. To log in, press the members login button at the foot of the page.
Police and Crime Commissioner Guidance: The role and responsibilities of PCCs (pdf)
APCC Guidance: Right Care, Right Person and National Partnership Agreement (pdf)
APCC Guidance: Rough Sleeping (pdf)
APCC Findings Report: Deep Dive on Combating Drugs Partnerships (pdf)
An introduction for Charitable Foundations (.pdf)
Association of Police Crime Commissioners Notable Practice and Knowledge Share
The Notable Practice platform consists of several elements, to assist and support Police Crime Commissioners (PCC), Police Fire & Crime Commissioners (PFCC), Deputy Mayors and Office of Police Crime Commissioners (OPCC) staff:
- Notable Practice table
- Submission Template
- Links to the College of Policing ‘What Works’ site
- Additional links to other knowledge sites
Log in to the Notable Practice and Knowledge Share
Currently the notable practice table has 100 items and holds data regarding initiatives and collaborations the PCC’s support and fund within their area. In addition, we are interested in OPCC’s sharing specific ways of working within their office.
The APCC supports PCC’s in their national portfolio work. The Notable Practice data in the table can be filtered and sorted by these portfolio themes.
To share items of notable practice, members should use the submission template that can be accessed via the members notable practice home page.
Access to this home page can be gained by logging below. If you experience any problems with your log in, there is a ‘I’ve forgotten my password’ option or alternatively contact