Katie Kempen, ICVA Chief Executive welcomes Written Ministerial Statement

In October 2018, a letter signed by all Police and Crime Commissioners, urging the Government to fast-track changes to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE), was submitted to the Home Office. Work between the APCC and the Independent Custody Visiting Association has ensured these overdue changes to legislation will now come into effect on 21st August 2019.

Under the changes:

  • Custody officers must ask all detainees if they wish to speak in private with a member of custody staff about any matter concerning their personal health, hygiene and welfare needs;
  • Detainees can request to speak to a member of staff of the same sex;
  • Detainees can keep menstrual and other health, hygiene and welfare products on their person. A decision to withhold such products must be subject to a risk assessment;
  • The above provisions around health, hygiene and welfare products take into account the possible needs of transgender individuals.
