Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) are elected to act as the public’s voice in policing, and what they hear from their local communities is that neighbourhood crime and anti-social behaviour really matters. Tackling anti-social behaviour is a key priority highlighted in all police and crime plans in England and Wales. Following the government’s launch of the ASB Action Plan in March 2023, PCCs have hit the ground running to deliver meaningful change from this funding, targeting enforcement activity to where it is needed most.

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Tackling anti-social behaviour through a youth outreach scheme:

Warmer weather and lighter summer evenings are always welcome, but on hot summer days, tensions can rise between local people and young people in different communities. Groups of young people congregating outside can lead to noise disturbance, verbal abuse, trespassing, theft and vandalism. A PCC is funding an innovative approach to reducing anti-social behaviour. Local organisations have come together to form a Youth Outreach Team that engages with young people, as well as local residents and traders, to develop ideas and solutions to improve the situation.

The PCC funding also provides a programme of youth outreach, engagement and activities in the school holidays. Free activities for young people, including paddleboarding and  football, are having a positive impact on young people, and on reducing anti-social behaviour. Local people working more closely together is having a positive impact on the local neighbourhood and economy throughout the whole year.

Anti-social behaviour on bus network reduced by Police and Crime Commissioner-led initiative:

A dedicated Safer Travel Team of 15 police community support officers, led by a police sergeant, have provided an effective and reassuring presence on buses and in bus stations, including those where anti-social behaviour has been a particular issue. With £1 million funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner, the highly visible team works with local authorities, bus companies, neighbourhood policing teams and the British Transport Police. It also supports an overall force-wide objective to reduce violence against women and girls.

Bus drivers stated that they have noticed the increased presence of the new officers  and this has led to a reduction in anti-social behaviour within its first few weeks. As well as providing a visible presence in the bus stations and on the buses, the team also provides a monthly meeting in the bus station, where the public can discuss any concerns. These are promoted via social media, which also raises awareness of the initiative.

Councillor Debra Coupar, executive member of a city council in the area where the Safer Travel Team operates, said: “We are committed to tackling anti-social behaviour in all its forms, and so are pleased to see that funding has been provided by the PCC to support this initiative, and in particular provide a new team of officers to work on the transport network to help ensure everyone is safe.”

Sam Lister, a bus station manager, said: “It is a fantastic idea and we very much support having a dedicated uniformed resource on the network and in bus stations that provides an amazing reassurance to the public and to our operating partners.”