APCC chair opens the APCC & NPCC Partnership Summit 2023

SPEECH: Reforming policing to deliver safer communities

APCC supports week of action to tackle knife crime

“We strongly support any activity that removes dangerous weapons off our streets and helps to raise awareness of the devastation caused by serious violence."

Home Affairs Select Committee report on Policing Priorities – APCC Chair responds

APCC Chair responds to the report entitled ‘Policing Priorities’ published Friday 10 November 2023.

APCC Chair gives evidence before Home Affairs Select Committee

APCC Chair Donna Jones appeared before the Home Affairs Select Committee this week where she gave evidence on the positive impact PCCs have made since their introduction in 2012.

Welsh Affairs Committee hears from the Police and Crime Commissioners of Wales’ four police forces

Yesterday, the four Welsh Police and Crime Commissioners gave evidence to the Parliamentary Welsh Affairs Committee, chaired by Stephen Crabb MP.

Statement from the APCC Chair Donna Jones, relating to the planned protest in London this weekend

In view of the discussion relating to the planned protest in London this weekend .....