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Associate Members
British Transport Police Authority
British Transport Police Authority
BTPA is the independent body responsible for ensuring an efficient and effective police force for rail operators, their staff and passengers.
020 7383 0259
Civil Nuclear Police Authority
Civil Nuclear Police Authority
The Civil Nuclear Police Authority oversees the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) and must ensure that their policing meets the need of the nuclear operating companies.
01925 833300
Ministry of Defence Police Committee
Ministry of Defence Police Committee
The MOD Police Committee
020 7807 8245
Police Scotland
Police Scotland
Police Scotland was established on 1 April 2013 and is responsible for policing across the whole of Scotland.
Jersey Police Authority
Jersey Police Authority
The Jersey Police Authority (JPA) is an independent body established under Article 4 of the States of Jersey Police Force Law 2012
PCCS Across the UK
Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
Alison Hernandez
Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
01392 225555
Devon, Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly Police & Crime Plan 2021 to 25
Susan Dungworth
Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria
0191 221 9800
Matthew Storey
Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland
01642 301861
Cleveland Police and Crime Plan 2021 - 2024
York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority
Jo Coles
York & North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime
01423 569562
North Yorkshire Police and Crime Plan 2022-25
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Plan 2022-25
Clive Grunshaw
Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire
01772 533 587
Lancashire Police and Crime Plan 2021 -2025
West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Alison Lowe OBE
Deputy Mayor for West Yorkshire Combined Authority
0113 348 1740
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Police & Crime Plan 2021-2024
Jonathan Evison
Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside
01482 220787
Humberside Police and Crime Plan 2021 - 2025
Emily Spurrell
Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside
0151 777 5155
Merseyside Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025
Greater Manchester
Kate Green
Deputy Mayor for Greater Manchester Combined Authority
0161 778 7000
Greater Manchester Combined Authority Police and Crime Plan
South Yorkshire
Oliver Coppard
Mayor for South Yorkshire Combined Authority
0114 220 3400
South Yorkshire Police & Crime Plan
North Wales
Andy Dunbobbin
Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales
01492 805486
North Wales Police & Crime Plan
Nicolle Ndiweni-Roberts
Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire
0300 122 6000
Derbyshire Police & Crime Plan 2021-2025
Gary Godden
Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire
0115 844 5998
Marc Jones
Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire
01522 212351
Lincolnshire Police and Crime Plan 2021 to 2025
Dafydd Llywelyn
Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys
01267 226440
Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025
West Mercia
John Campion
Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia
01905 331 962
Safer West Mercia Plan 2021 to 2025
Ben Adams
Police and Fire Commissioner for Staffordshire
01785 232385
Fire and Rescue plan 2021-24
Police and Crime plan 2021-24
West Midlands
Simon Foster
Police and Crime Commissioner for West Midlands
0121 626 6060
West Midlands Police & Crime Plan
Rupert Matthews
Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire
0116 229 8980
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police & Crime Plan 2021-2024
Philip Seccombe
Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire
01926 733 523
Warwickshire Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025
Danielle Stone
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire
01604 888113
Northamptonshire Police, Fire & Crime Plan 2021-2026
Darryl Preston
Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire
0300 333 3456
Cambridgeshire Police & Crime Plan 2021-24
Sarah Taylor
Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk
01953 424455
Norfolk Police & Crime Plan 2022-24
Tim Passmore
Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk
01473 782773
Suffolk Police & Crime Plan 2022-2025
South Wales
Emma Wools
Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales
01656 869366
(Eng) Police and Crime Plan 2021-25.pdf
(Welsh) Police and Crime Plan 2021-25.pdf
Jane Mudd
Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent
01633 642200
Gwent Police & Crime Plan ENGLISH
Gwent Police & Crime Plan WELSH
Chris Nelson
Police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire
01452 754348
Gloucestershire Police & Crime Prevention Plan V1.1.pdf
Thames Valley
Matthew Barber
Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley
01865 541 957
Criminal Justice Plan 2024 - 2029
John Tizard
Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire
01234 842064
Bedfordshire Police & Crime Plan
Jonathan Ash-Edwards
Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire
01707 806100
Hertfordshire Police & Crime Plan
Roger Hirst
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex
01245 291600
Essex Police, Fire & Crime Plan 2021-2024
Avon and Somerset
Clare Moody
Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon & Somerset
01278 646188
Avon and Somerset Police & Crime Plan 2021 to 2025
Philip Wilkinson
Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire
01380 861 861
Wiltshire & Swindon Police and Crime Plan 2022-2025
Sophie Linden
Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime in London - MOPAC
0207 983 4000
MOPAC DRAFT Police and Crime Plan 2021-25
City of London
Tijs Broeke
Chair of the City of London Police Authority Board
020 7606 3030
CoL Police and Crime Plan
Matthew Scott
Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent
01622 677055
Kent Police and Crime Plan 2022-25
Lisa Townsend
Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey
01483 630200
Surrey Police & Crime Plan 2021-2025
David Sidwick
Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset
01202 229084
DPCC Police Crime Plan 2021-29.pdf
Non-Geographic Authorities
British Transport Police Authority
British Transport Police Authority
BTPA is the independent body responsible for ensuring an efficient and effective police force for rail operators, their staff and passengers.
020 7383 0259
Civil Nuclear Police Authority
Civil Nuclear Police Authority
The Civil Nuclear Police Authority oversees the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) and must ensure that their policing meets the need of the nuclear operating companies.
01925 833300
Ministry of Defence Police Committee
Ministry of Defence Police Committee
The MOD Police Committee
020 7807 8245
Police Scotland
Police Scotland
Police Scotland was established on 1 April 2013 and is responsible for policing across the whole of Scotland.
Jersey Police Authority
Jersey Police Authority
The Jersey Police Authority (JPA) is an independent body established under Article 4 of the States of Jersey Police Force Law 2012