APCC Addictions and Substance Misuse Leads welcome plan to widen access to the overdose antidote Naloxone

David Sidwick and Joy Allen express their support for the change that will help save the lives of those who are at risk of opioid overdose.

APCC Mental Health Lead marks the start of Mental Health Awareness Week

Lisa Townsend highlights the importance of PCCs' work in ensuring those who struggle with their mental health can access vital support.

PCC elections bring increased diversity in policing governance in England and Wales

The 2024 elections have resulted in the most diverse PCC and PFCC cohort since the role was created 12 years ago.

APCC Transparency Leads respond to Home Secretary's statement on police misconduct and investigations

PCC Giles Orpen-Smellie & Deputy Mayor Alison Lowe respond to the Home Secretary's statement on police misconduct and investigations.

APCC Chair responds to Home Secretary's statement on police misconduct and investigations + review of the IOPC

Donna Jones responds to Home Secretary's statement to Parliament on police misconduct and investigations, alongside Dr Gillian Fairfield's independent review of the IOPC.

APCC responds to the announcement that new synthetic opioids have been banned by the government

The Home Office have today announcement that new synthetic opioids are now under the strictest controls, in line with fentanyl.