APCC supports International Women’s Day 2024

Today marks International Women’s Day 2024. The event is an opportunity to celebrate the huge social, cultural and political achievements of women across the globe

APCC Response to National Violence Reduction Unit Rollout

The announcement in the chancellors 2024 Budget this week that the very successful Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) model is set to be rolled out has been welcomed

APCC Joint Victims’ Leads support ‘No More Week’ to End Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

'No More' Week 2024 is a global campaign, running from March 3 to 9, that urges society to take collective responsibility for ending domestic violence and sexual violence

APCC welcomes the first Police Staff Week of Celebration and Recognition

APCC Lead for Workforce Peter McCall comments on the first-ever Police Staff Week of Celebration and Recognition taking place this week

APCC Joint Victims Leads respond to the Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 Report findings

APCC Joint Victims Leads respond to the findings of the Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 Report into the career and conduct of the serving police officer, Wayne Couzens, who murdered Sarah Everard in March 2021.

Statement from APCC Chair, Donna Jones, in response to the Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 Report

APCC Chair, Donna Jones, expresses her shock at the police failures identified in the first report from the Angiolini Inquiry into Wayne Couzens.