PCCs receiving £23.5 million for local projects to tackle violence against women and girls

Safer Streets funding is part of the solution - but there is a lot to do

Have your say on potential changes to firearms licensing

We should be careful to ensure any changes to guidance or legislation are proportionate, reflect the public’s views

APCC reacts to the sentencing of Wayne Couzens

Sarah Everard is just one of hundreds of women murdered by men each year in Britain. We need change.

PCC stresses importance of public's role in fighting serious organised crime

Donna Jones was among PCCs who visited the NCA in London last week

Support for a new cross-system approach to tackling VAWG

APCC Victims Leads respond to HMICFRS' recommendations for improving response to violence against women and girls

APCC keen to work with new national VAWG Lead Maggie Blyth

Victims Leads: "Maggie Blyth’s appointment as NPCC lead for Violence Against Women and Girls comes with our full support."