PCC election reform will ensure outcomes always reflect voters’ views

APCC welcomes move to adopt First Past The Post, and calls for four-year term

Why new developments must take account of needs of local emergency services

APCC Finance Lead Roger Hirst outlines the reforms we want to see in the Planning Bill later this year.

New data sharing agreement to boost partnership working

The Youth Justice Board and the APCC have agreed to share information on the ethnicity of children in contact with the youth justice system.

It is alarming that victims are losing faith in the criminal justice system

Joint Victims' Leads Donna Jones and Sophie Linden reflects on a nationwide survey published today on victims' experiences.

Recreational abuse of laughing gas is not harmless fun

Addictions and Substance Misuse Leads support move to review the harm causing by nitrous oxide.

New online tool for women and girls to flag unsafe areas to police

Prevention Lead Festus Akinbusoye: "I encourage everyone to use the new StreetSafe tool and make it a success.”