APCC welcomes part two of Dame Carol Black’s review, to which PCCs submitted evidence

Dame Carol is right to place an emphasis on addressing the health issues related to drug taking

APCC backs calls for a new approach to tackling Violence Against Women and Girls

Victims Leads Donna Jones and Sophie Linden: 'We need a step change in focus and funding'

Consistent police recording of business crime is needed to galvanise a national response

APCC Lead on Business Crime Katy Bourne acknowledges Violence and Abuse Towards Retail Workers report

A probation system which prioritises rehabilitation leads to fewer crimes, and fewer victims

David Lloyd welcomes recent changes to probation services in England and Wales

Concern at numbers of domestic abuse cases closed without any further action taken

APCC Victims Lead says 'We need to drive improvements urgently and to ensure there are the resources to sustain them.'

PCCs welcome the steps set out by the Government to ensure better support for rape victims

Victims' Lead Sophie Linden responds to end-to-end review into how the criminal justice system handles rape