New Core Code of Ethics to be at the heart of Fire and Rescue Services

The Core Code sets out five ethical principles - Putting our communities first; Integrity; Dignity and respect; Leadership; and Equality, diversity and inclusion

Experts come together to better understand the scale and impact of pet theft

PCC Katy Bourne attended the inaugural meeting of the Government's Pet Theft Taskforce

Mental Health Awareness Week: Connecting with nature

APCC Mental Health Lead Matthew Scott welcomes measures in the Queen's Speech

Record number of women to govern policing across England and Wales

Elections result in most diverse group of PCCs, PFCCs, and deputy mayors since the role was created in 2012.

PCCs welcome Domestic Abuse Act, but want sustainable funding for victims’ support services

Julia Mulligan says 'Domestic abuse has always been a priority for Police and Crime Commissioners'

The APCC's position on criminalisation of trespass

Following Parliamentary discussions on illegal encampments, chair Paddy Tipping has clarified the APCC's position.