Giving offenders opportunities to change, and the skills to rebuild their lives

APCC report on how PCCs are ending the revolving door of crime by ensuring those offenders who want to turn their lives around and stay out of prison get the help and support they need to do so.

Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill introduced in Parliament

APCC Leads comment on relevant aspects of the Government's new wide-ranging Bill

Women in Policing - International Women's Day 2021

To mark International Women's Day, APCC Workforce Lead, Kim McGuiness, writes about how each police force has to play its part in providing a platform for women within the service.

Funding will help support activity to target people who pose a threat to our communities

APCC Serious Violence Leads note violent crime affects all forces and requires long term investment.

How PCCs are making the police complaints system more user-friendly

Three Commissioners gave oral evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee inquiry into police conduct and complaints on 3 March

APCC Chair Paddy Tipping responds to the Covid-19 vaccine rollout second phase announcement

APCC Chair Paddy Tipping has responded to the announcement that the second phase of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout will focus on age groups, rather than prioritising police officers and other at risk professionals.