No one should suffer in silence while they are subjected to domestic abuse and exploitation

APCC Victims Leads Sophie Linden and Julia Mulligan respond to the Safe to Share? report published today by HMICFRS

APCC warmly welcomes Provisional Police Funding Settlement

APCC Finance Leads Roger Hirst and Paddy Tipping comment on the Government's funding announcement for 2021/22

APCC Chair gives evidence to Lords' Constitution Committee

PCC Paddy Tipping and Police Federation Chair John Apter spoke about the impact of Covid-19 on policing

Race Disparity In Focus

A new report which showcases how Police and Crime Commissioners are tackling concerns raised by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in their areas has been published.


Shopworkers and their families speak out about abuse in moving Christmas campaign devised by APCC National Business Crime Lead, Katy Bourne.

Statement from the Joint Chairs of the APCC Race Disparity Working Group

UPDATED: The Working Group has published its action plan in response to issues and concerns relating to race disparity and disproportionality within policing and the wider criminal justice system.