APCC responds to Chancellor's Spending Review

Finance Leads Roger Hirst and Paddy Tipping welcome continuing commitment to invest in more police officers

No reason why all police forces cannot move towards a greener fleet

Sustainability Lead Martin Surl responds to Government plan for a Green Industrial Revolution

APCC Victims Leads welcome plans to improve the Victims Code of Practice

PCCs continue to play a key role in ensuring the Victims Code delivers what it sets out to achieve

APCC welcomes additional funding for victims' support services

Statement from APCC Victims Leads Sophie Linden and Julia Mulligan after Government announces funding boost for victims of rape and domestic abuse

Alcohol Awareness Week 2020

Joint statement from PCC Hardyal Dhindsa, Alcohol & Substance Misuse Lead and PCC Matthew Scott, Mental Health & Custody Lead to mark Alcohol Awareness Week.

APCC clarification following statement on 30 October

APCC issue apology to West Midlands PCC, David Jamieson.