Prime Minister announces four-week England lockdown

Statement from APCC Chair and PCC for Nottinghamshire, Paddy Tipping, following the Prime Minister's announcement on a second national lockdown for England.

APCC Response to quarterly Operation Uplift statistics

Joint statement on the quarterly Uplift statistics from APCC Leads for Workforce and EDHR.

APCC Victims' Leads respond to article in The Times

Statement from APCC Victims Leads, Julia Mulligan and Sophie Linden, in response to comments in The Times from West Midlands Chief Constable, Dave Thompson.

Police powers and procedures statistics for England and Wales

Joint statement from the APCC Leads on EDHR and Serious Violence on today's police powers and procedures statistics.

IOPC Deaths Following Police Contact report

APCC Mental Health & Custody Lead, Matthew Scott and Deputy Lead, Martyn Underhill, respond to IOPC report.

APCC Impact Report 2019/20

The APCC has launched its Impact Report 2019/20, which demonstrates the breadth of work and impact of the Association against its five business priorities.