APCC response to today's crime statistics

PCC Marc Jones, Performance Lead for the APCC, responds to today's crime statistics from the Office for National Statistics, Home Office and NPCC.

APCC response to HMICFRS report on roads policing

APCC road safety lead, Alison Hernandez, responds to the HMICFRS inspection into road safety.

Paddy Tipping new Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners

Nottinghamshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping has today (15 July) been elected as the new Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners at its Annual General Meeting.

The Centre for Social Justice's modern day slavery report ‘It Still Happens Here’

APCC Lead on Modern Slavery, Mark Burns-Williamson OBE, welcomes the Centre for Social Justice report entitled ' It Still Happens Here: Fighting UK Slavery In The 2020s'.

APCC response to the report by the Children's commissioner

APCC Serious Violence Lead Mark Burns Williamson OBE responds to the report, entitled 'Teenagers falling through the gaps'.

Operation Venetic - NCA and police smash thousands of criminal conspiracies.

APCC Serious and Organised Crime Lead, Marc Jones, comments on the success of law enforcement agencies working together in the fight against serious and organised crime.