The time has come for Video Enabled Justice

APCC Chair and Technology Lead, Katy Bourne, has successfully launched a digital tool across five-force areas so courts hearing remand cases can still function during the COVID-19 national emergency.

APCC response to latest ONS and Home Office crime statistics

APCC response to today's Office for National Statistics statistical crime bulletin and Home Office crime outcomes statistics for year ending December 2019.

Domestic abuse and Covid-19

Policing Insight interview with APCC Joint Victims Lead, Julia Mulligan on the urgent need for alternative accommodation for domestic abuse victims.

Drive project focuses on perpetrators of domestic violence

APCC Chair and Sussex PCC, Katy Bourne spoke to Policing Insight on why she agreed to spearhead a new programme targeting high risk perpetrators in a bid to challenge their behaviours.

Stalking continues to steal lives

Chair of the Association of Police & Crime Commissioners, Katy Bourne is urging all police forces to ‘See Stalking Clearly’ as concerns grow for victims in ‘lockdown’.

Domestic abuse support - APCC Victims Lead response

APCC response to the Government announcement today of a £2m support fund for victims of domestic abuse and the launch of a national campaign