APCC welcomes the call for a Perpetrator Strategy

This week Drive launched both a Call to Action asking the government to publish a Perpetrator Strategy and the evaluation of the Drive pilot programmes. APCC Victims Lead, Julia Mulligan, North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner responds.

Police funding announcement: APCC response

The APCC has responded to today's police funding settlement

APCC response to County Lines report

APCC Serious and Organised Crime leads respond to HMICFRS report "Both sides of the coin: An inspection of how the police and National Crime Agency consider vulnerable people who are both victims and offenders in 'county lines' drug offending."

APCC responds to Violence Reduction Unit funding

APCC Serious Violence Lead, Mark Burns-Williamson PCC OBE, responds to the Government’s announcement that eighteen Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) will receive funding for Violence Reduction Units,

APCC pays tribute to Ron Hogg


APCC response to HMCPSI Rape Inspection Report

APCC Victims Leads respond to Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate Rape Inspection Report.