APCC welcomes productive engagement with charitable foundations
After welcoming representatives from a range of national charities engaged with policing and criminal justice for a meeting about co-operation to deliver shared priorities, APCC Chief Executive Susannah Hancock said:
“This was an excellent and productive meeting, and an important opportunity to discuss how the shared aims of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and charities can be delivered through collaboration and co-operation.
“My thanks to the Home Office for organising the meeting, and to everyone who attended. In my role supporting PCCs, I look forward to continuing this engagement and planning how we can all work together better to reduce crime, turn lives around and protect our communities”
Attendees included officials from the Home Office and Ministry of Justice, as well as representatives from charities such as:
Association of Charitable Foundations, Barrow Cadbury Trust, Bell Foundation, Big Lottery Fund, Charity Commission, City of London, Clinks, Collective Voice, Lloyds Bank Foundation, Mind, NAVCO, Porticus, Princes Trust, Revolving Doors, Rosa, UK Youth, Victim Support, Women Resource Centre.