Officers and staff recognised for their exceptional work and dedication


Reacting to the Queen's Birthday Honours List 2021, Vice Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners Roger Hirst said: “On behalf of all PCCs across England and Wales, I’d like to congratulate the many police officers and staff who have been honoured by the Queen today.

“Those recognised include not just Chief Constables and other senior police officers but also other, equally important, members of the wider policing family. From PCSOs and civilian investigators; those working in specialist domestic abuse, prevention, and mental health units; to those working in support functions such as IT – every one of them plays a vital role in making our communities safe and it is right that they are all recognised for their exceptional work and dedication.

“I’d also like to congratulate the former Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester Tony Lloyd on his Knighthood. As one of the very first PCCs he led the way for those of us who have since followed. And as the first Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, he helped lay the foundations for our organisation to ensure PCCs had the means to present a strong and unified voice into Government and other national bodies on behalf of the residents we represent.”


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