Preventing Serious Violence

The APCC is supporting PCCs as they bring partners together to tackle the scourge of serious violence in our communities, including leading work in 18 areas across the country to create and deliver multi-agency Violence Reduction Units to identify and address the root causes of serious violence – for example, by prevention vulnerable young people from being recruited into gangs. 

Our priorities for preventing serious violence are:

  • To provide leadership and support to multi-agency partnerships to tackle serious violence, reducing violent crime and keeping vulnerable people safe
  • To continue to lead and support the development of Violence Reduction Units, drawing on the learning to support all PCCs to deliver VRU-style approaches in their local areas.


Latest News

APCC Response to National Violence Reduction Unit Rollout

The announcement in the chancellors 2024 Budget this week that the very successful Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) model is set to be rolled out has been welcomed

APCC Leads comment on the Home Office led drive to reduce homicides associated with the night-time economy

“We welcome the policing led drive to reduce homicides associated with the night-time economy, particularly over the busy Christmas period."

APCC supports week of action to tackle knife crime

“We strongly support any activity that removes dangerous weapons off our streets and helps to raise awareness of the devastation caused by serious violence."

Resources and Publications

in-focus-innovative-and-effective-approches-to-tackling-serious-violence.pdf, 6.10Mb

This report features evidence-based, evaluated interventions from PCCs who are committed to tackling serious violence in their communities. 

vrus-in-focus-final.pdf, 5.82Mb
pccs-making-a-difference-prevention-in-focus.pdf, 2.25Mb


The APCC’s work on preventing serious violence is developed through our Serious Violence Portfolio leading our work to support Violence Reduction Units and to support the implementation of the national serious violence strategy.

Preventing Serious Violence

Leading our work to support PCCs in preventing serious violence.

Joint Lead: Simon Foster, PCC West Midlands

Joint Lead: Matthew Barber, PCC for Thames Valley

APCC Contact: Libby Avery, Policy Manager 


Steve Turner, APCC Joint Lead for Serious Violence Portfolio

An update on the Serious Violence Portfolio from Steve Turner.

Steve Turner, APCC Joint Lead for Serious Violence

Steve Turner is the new APCC Joint Lead for Serious Violence and PCC for Cleveland.

Home Office Violence Reduction Unit Workshop

18 PCCs successfully bid for Home Office funding to set up Violence Reduction Units. We hear from some of those working in these multi-agency partnerships.