PCCs advocate for stronger victims bill

APCC Joint Victims’ Leads are calling for landmark bill to be strengthened to ensure it delivers on behalf of all victims.

Reforms for police leadership welcomed

Chair Marc Jones welcomes publication of new national leadership standards for all levels in policing.

APCC response to HMICFRS State of Policing Report 2022

APCC Chair, Marc Jones, has responded to today's State of Policing Report

All police forces now attending every home burglary

APCC Chair responds to NPCC announcement that all police forces are now attending every home burglary.

Volunteers give up over 12,000 hours to ensure safety of custody suites

PCCs celebrate dedication and selflessness of Independent Custody Visitors this Volunteers’ Week 1-7 June.

Funding boost for women's diversion services

APCC Deputy Criminal Justice Lead responds to funding boost for women who come into contact with the criminal justice service.