APCC launches ‘Tackling Addictions in Focus’

This report demonstrates how PCCs are tackling crime and ASB that is linked to addictions and substance misuse, and driving the implementation of the ‘From Harm to Hope’ Drug Strategy.

Response to Baroness Casey report

APCC Chair Marc Jones responds to Baroness Casey report into the Metropolitan Police Service.

VAWG Leads respond to first data on police performance

APCC Joint VAWG Leads respond to first data set on police response to violence against women and girls.

Changes to national forensic contracts

Joint review sees changes to the way police manage forensic science contracts.

Celebrating our female leaders this International Women's Day

A spotlight on some of our female leaders and the vital work they do.

Response to Nitrous Oxide review

Addictions and Substance Misuse Leads respond to report on Nitrous Oxide.