APCC 'Victims In Focus' report

Find out how victims’ advocacy is at the heart of everything Police and Crime Commissioners do.

HMICFRS release report on vetting, misconduct and misogyny

Chair and APCC Transparency and Integrity Leads respond to concerning HMICFRS report.

Prevention Lead appears on top policing panel

APCC Prevention Lead gives evidence at the Home Affairs Select Committee on policing for the future alongside senior policing figures.

Statutory instrument to implement First Past the Post

APCC Chair welcomes First Past the Post as a voting system for PCCs from May 2023.

More to do to end stop and search disparity

Lead and Deputy Lead for Equality, Diversity and Human Rights respond to latest stop and search statistics.

Addictions Lead warns of dangers of loot boxes

APCC Lead for Addictions and Substance Misuse calls for better regulations of in-app gaming features.