How PCCs will support policing to end violence against women and girls

As policing publishes its VAWG action plan, our Victims Leads outline the role of PCCs with an APCC action plan to be published in the new year,

ICVA committed to ensuring ICV schemes are focused on equality and diversity

Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) are a crucial part of the PCC scrutiny role.

Tackling race disparity in policing and the criminal justice system

The APCC's Race Disparity Working Group has published its latest action plan.

PCCs: Victims need a greater voice in policing and the criminal justice system

PCCs welcome the launch of a Government consultation into a new Victims' Law.

APCC portfolio welcome to Policing Minister letter on new measures to protect shopworkers

The APCC welcomes action to protect retail workers through an amendment to ensure that the current aggravating factor, used in cases of assault, will apply to retail workers.

PCCs welcome national plan to cut drugs supply and demand, and invest in rehabilitation

Addictions and Substance Misuse portfolio responds to Government’s new drugs strategy