Public engagement and scrutiny are key to tackling Taser concerns

APCC Leads: "We can help all the communities we represent have greater confidence in the police by ensuring transparent and inclusive scrutiny processes are in place."

HMICFRS report shines a spotlight on measures to support women and girls

Victims Lead Donna Jones: "The responsibility to protect women and girls falls to all of us and requires a community-led response."

We support any measures which toughen regulations on the importation and breeding of dogs

Sussex PCC Katy Bourne says the public would welcome the chance to have their say on proposed new powers.

Custody is not an appropriate place for people suffering with mental ill health

APCC Mental Health and Custody leads respond to concerns in the media about support for those in crisis.

Issue with evidential drug-driving samples is a cause for concern

APCC Forensics Lead Darryl Preston comments on matters relating to Synlab Laboratory Services Ltd.

ONS: Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales

"We are saddened and disappointed to see such a significant rise in drug-related deaths in England and Wales". APCC Joint Leads on Alcohol & Substance Misuse, Joy Allen & David Sidwick.