Preventing Crime & Building Partnerships
The APCC supports PCCs to develop prevention initiatives that can reduce crime and the number of victims. The Association also supports PCCs in their work with local partners in areas relating to vulnerability such as social care, mental health, drug and alcohol addiction, homelessness, and police custody. Furthermore, the APCC has established portfolio activities relating to high volume and high harm areas of crime and policing including serious violence, anti-social behaviour, road safety and business and retail crime.
We also provide dedicated advice and support to PCCs who take on governance responsibilities for Fire and Rescue Services.
Our priorities for prevention and partnerships are to support PCCs to:
- Lead prevention work locally, guided by a growing evidence base of what works and working with local partners to address community concerns.
- Collaborate with partners to address vulnerability and support those with complex needs, including those with addiction and mental health concerns, and reducing the non-crime demands on policing.
- To support PCC led collaboration with emergency services and to progress Commissioner’s role in Fire and Rescue Service governance.
Towards Better Local Partnership Systems in England and Wales
The crucial role of effective cross-sector work in reducing crime and making communities safer, overseen and coordinated by locally elected Police and Crime Commissioners, are highlighted in a new report by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC).
Towards better local partnerships systems in England and Wales finds that in an ever more complex landscape, the streamlining of groups and boards along with improvements in the use of data and information are critical to reducing crime and making communities safer.
The report highlights the value of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners (PFCCs) and Deputy Mayors (DMs) in overseeing partnerships in their local area to ensure they are efficient, focused and coordinated, and provide a single source of evidence of what works. The report recommends that Local Criminal Justice Boards (LCJBs) are put on a statutory footing, with PCCs as their chairs to drive improvements in the criminal justice system.
A review of the views and experiences of Police and Crime Commissioners and their offices of local partnership systems in England and Wales, and of how these could be even more effective and efficient
A review of the views and experiences of Police and Crime Commissioners of local partnership working in Wales, and how it can be even more effective.
Four deep dive case studies of approaches to local partnership working
Latest News
Local multi-agency collaboration and PCC oversight are key to cutting crime says new APCC report
APCC comment on Victims' Commissioner's report on anti-social behaviour
APCC Launches Guidance on Preventing Deaths in Custody
APCC Statement on National Volunteers Week
APCC responds to the announcement that new synthetic opioids have been banned by the government
Business Crime Matters
APCC Response to Association of Convenience Stores report on retail crime
APCC Lead comments on the British Retail Consortium’s Crime Survey Report
Business Crime Matters
APCC Business & Retail Crime Lead, Katy Bourne OBE
Katy Bourne OBE launches Pegasus
Resources and PublicationS
Guidance for members of the APCC to inform and support their local activities in relation to the Right Care, Right Person approach and the National Partnership Agreement.
With current levels of retail crime on high streets rising, this ‘In Focus’ report demonstrates how PCCs are approaching the issue and holding their forces to account.
Guidance to support PCCs to effectively fulfil their statutory duties in relation to rough sleeping in England and Wales.
A review of the experiences of PCCs and police representatives on delivering the National Drugs Strategy via Combating Drugs Partnerships.
A Guide to Taking a Public Health Approach for PCCs and their Offices.
A joint guide developed by the NPCC and the APCC, with input from Ministry of Justice, Independent Custody Visiting Association and Home Office.
The APCC’s work on preventing crime and building partnerships is developed through eight policy portfolios:
Leading our work to develop and implement evidence-based approaches to crime prevention and share good practice.
Joint Lead: Clare Moody, PCC for Avon & Somerset
Joint Lead: Jonathan Ash-Edwards, PCC for Hertfordshire
APCC Contact: Richard Martin, Senior Policy Manager
Leading our work on neighbourhood and community policing, including anti-social behaviour.
Joint Lead: Matt Storey, PCC for Cleveland
Joint Lead: Chris Nelson, PCC for Gloucestershire
APCC Contact: Libby Avery, Policy Manager
Leading our work to tackle crime against the business and retail community.
Joint Lead: Katy Bourne, Sussex PCC
Joint Lead: Andy Dunbobbin, PCC for North Wales
APCC Contact: Libby Avery, Policy Manager
Leading our work on mental health, custody issues and suicide prevention.
Joint Lead: Matthew Scott, PCC for Kent
Joint Lead: Kate Green OBE, Deputy Mayor for Manchester
APCC Contact: Richard Martin, Senior Policy Manager
Leading our work on addictions and substance misuse.
Joint Lead: Joy Allen, PCC Durham
Joint Lead: David Sidwick, PCC Dorset
APCC Contact: Elliott Fitzsimmons, Policy Manager
Leading our work on road safety, including victims of road traffic accidents.
Joint Lead: Sarah Taylor, PCC for Norfolk
Joint Lead: Philip Seccombe, PCC for Warwickshire
Deputy Lead (Drink & Drug Driving): Joy Allen, PCC Durham
APCC Contact: Enzo Riglia, Senior Policy Manager
Leading our work with Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners and emergency service collaboration.
Joint Lead: Danielle Stone, PFCC for Northamptonshire
Joint Lead: Ben Adams, PFCC for Staffordshire
APCC Contact: Richard Martin, Senior Policy Manager