Improving Our Criminal Justice System; Supporting Victims & Giving them a Voice
The APCC works with PCCs to support their critical role in the criminal justice system. This includes responsibility for commissioning services for victims of crime and ensuring that their needs are met. Additionally, PCCs are responsible for ensuring the local criminal justice system (including courts, prisons and probation) are efficient and effective and play a leading role in Local Criminal Justice Boards working with a range of partners as a ‘whole system’ delivering justice and improving outcomes for victims.
Our priorities for victims and the criminal justice system are:
- To support PCCs in their role as commissioners of local services for victims and ensure that the needs, experiences, and voice of victims are at the heart of the criminal justice system and local and national developments. We have a strong focus on challenging Violence Against Women and Girls, and working in partnership both national and locally on this critical issue.
- To work with partners to develop the role of PCCs in the criminal justice system, enabling then to join up local CJS services more effectively, to reduce offending and to improve outcomes for victims.