Addictions and Substance Misuse

Half of homicides and half of acquisitive crimes are drug related, and a large volume of crime and anti-social behaviour is linked to misuse of alcohol. There is also growing awareness of the links between problem gambling and crime. PCCs have a critical role to play in tackling the substance misuse and addiction that can drive so much crime and anti-social behaviour in our communities, working with their local and national partners.

Think Piece from APCC Joint Addictions & Substance Misuse Leads, Joy Allen and David Sidwick

"The use of illegal drugs is fueling an epidemic of violence and criminality, destroying people’s lives and wreaking havoc in our communities. Statistics show that around 1 in 11 adults aged 16-59 have taken a drug in the last year and over half of all homicides and acquisitive crimes are believed to be drugs related. The figures are frightening, and the picture is bleak."



APCC responds to the announcement that new synthetic opioids have been banned by the government

The Home Office have today announcement that new synthetic opioids are now under the strictest controls, in line with fentanyl.


Today the findings of an APCC Deep Dive Review into the experiences of PCCs and other policing partners of their local Combating Drugs Partnerships have been published.

ONS stats reveal a rise in drug-related deaths

APCC Joint Addictions and Substance Misuse Leads respond to ONS figures reporting a rise in drug-related deaths for 2022.

APCC response to deaths being linked to street drugs stronger than heroin

“We are deeply saddened by the reported deaths caused by Synthetic Opioids in the UK in the last six months."

APCC supports national Christmas drink and drug driving campaign

Operation Limit will see all police forces across England and Wales increasing their presence on the nation’s roads and intensifying enforcement activity

APCC Leads respond to government’s announced ban on twenty dangerous drugs

Following advice from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), 15 new dangerous synthetic opioids will become Class A drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.


Addictions & Substance Misuse Parliamentary Event

MPs and Peers joined the APCC’s parliamentary drop-in event on Tackling Addictions.

APCC Leads for Addictions and Substance Misuse (Update 2)

A further portfolio update from the APCC leads on Addictions & Substance Misuse.

APCC Leads for Addictions and Substance Misuse (Update 1)

An update from Joy Allen and David Sidwick on their Addictions & Substance Misuse Portfolio.

David Sidwick & Joy Allen, APCC Joint Leads for Alcohol and Substance Misuse

David and Joy explain how they are working together to address the detrimental effects of addiction and substance misuse in communities.

David Sidwick, APCC Joint Lead for Alcohol and Substance Misuse

David Sidwick, APCC Joint Lead for Alcohol & Substance Misuse & PCC for Dorset.

Resources and Publications

apcc-deep-dive-on-combating-drugs-partnerships.pdf, 1.04Mb

A review of the experiences of PCCs and police representatives on delivering the National Drugs Strategy via Combating Drugs Partnerships.