Building Our Resources & Infrastructure

PCCs work through the APCC to ensure that policing is funded to deliver high quality services to the public and makes the most efficient use of those resources. With the ICT budget currently accounting for over 10% of police spending, this includes a key strand of APCC work with a focus on technology systems and end-to-end digitalisation of policing.

Our resource and infrastructure priorities are:

  • To work with government to help ensure that policing has the funding and resources it needs to deliver against the public’s priorities.
  • To play our part in driving the modernisation and transformation of the police service, realising efficiencies, and ensuring forces can take full advantage of new technologies.
  • To support our PCC-led companies – the Police ICT Company and BlueLight Commercial – to enable them to deliver transformation on behalf of policing.


Latest News

APCC Response to the Police Funding Announcement

"Today’s announcement is good news for policing and gives PCCs greater flexibility in locally raised funding."

Police Funding Settlement

APCC Finance Lead responds to the provisional police grant announcement made by the Government.

Leading the way in tackling climate change

Find out how PCCs are helping to reduce the carbon footprint in their force areas and ensure a sustainable future.

Tim Passmore, APCC Joint Lead for Environment and Sustainability

Tim Passmore provides an update on reducing the environmental impact across Suffolk.

Stephen Mold, APCC Lead for the Police Digital Service

Stephen Mold provides an update on the Police Digital Service.

Tim Passmore, APCC Joint Lead for Environment & Sustainability

An update on the APCC Environment & Sustainability portfolio from Tim Passmore.


Tim Passmore, APCC Joint Lead for Environment and Sustainability

Tim Passmore provides an update on reducing the environmental impact across Suffolk.

Stephen Mold, APCC Lead for the Police Digital Service

Stephen Mold provides an update on the Police Digital Service.

Tim Passmore, APCC Joint Lead for Environment & Sustainability

An update on the APCC Environment & Sustainability portfolio from Tim Passmore.


The APCC’s work on resources and infrastructure is developed through three key policy portfolios and two PCC-led companies. There is also a network leading on Brexit related matters for policing and crime:

Funding Formula, CSR & Grants

Leading our work on funding for policing and criminal justice, including on the Spending Review and Funding Formula.

Joint Lead:
Roger Hirst, PFCC for Essex

Joint Lead: Joy Allen, PCC for Durham

APCC Contact: Simon Efford, Senior Policy Manager 

Police Technology & Digital

Leading our work to engage with digital policing programmes and deliver the Digital Data and Technology Strategy.

Joint Lead:
Jonathan Evison, PCC for Humberside

Joint Lead: Andy Dunbobbin, PCC North Wales

APCC Contact: Thomas Kira, Policy Manager 

Environment & Sustainability

Leading our work on the environmental impact of policing and on sustainability and policing infrastructure.
Joint Lead: Joy Allen, Durham PCC

Joint Lead:
Tim Passmore, Suffolk PCC

APCC Contact: Elliot Fitzsimmons, Policy Manager 

Links to PCC-Led Companies

BlueLight Commercial is working with police forces across England and Wales to transform their commercial and procurement functions.

Find out more about BlueLight commercial

Chair: Joy Allen, PCC for Durham

Police ICT Company strives to be the go-to partner for technology developments and programmes across UK policing

You can find out more about the Police ICT Company

Chair: David Allen PFCC for Cumbria

APCC Contact: James Hughes, Senior Policy Manager